The latest news and updates from Maidstone Wind Symphony.
AGM and Committee Elections
1st August 2017
MWS will be holding its AGM in September, when we will be re-election the committee. We currently have vacancies for the positions of Fundraising Manager and Band-elected Trustee and are particularly keen for these roles to be filled, although all posts are available to apply for. Election is open to family, friends and supporters and we would welcome fresh ideas, energy and skills to continue to drive the band forward. For more detailed information please email
An Evening of Chamber Music
1st June 2017
Maidstone Wind Symphony will be rounding off its 2016/17 season with an Evening of Chamber Music on Saturday, 1 July.
The concert will be an opportunity to hear many of the talented members of MWS performing in a more intimate setting - as soloists, duets, small ensembles and as a choir. It will also the final performance by our principal tuba player and current Maidstone Youth Musician of the Year George Harrington before he moves away and begins university.
The programme promises a lovely and entertaining blend of styles, genres and colour in the wonderful setting of the Salvation Army church hall in Union Street, Maidstone. Ensembles on the programme include a clarinet quartet, a flute choir and flute duo, euphonium group and various solo performers.
The concert will begin at 7.30pm. Admission is £5 (under 12s free) on the door.Music Director Jonathan Crowhurst on the release of Roar!
1st February 2017
When one talks about composers in the present age, there are few one can describe as having a truly unique and individual voice – Andy Scott is an exception.
Since exploring his world Dark Rain back in 2012, it has been a fantastic journey for myself and Maidstone Wind Symphony to play such wonderful and varied music. Every work, from Madiba to Salt of the Earth, from Fujiko to Freedom of Movement, has a unique style and yet a conscious stream which makes the music very much Andy’s . He has been an inspiration to collaborate with on this project, which has been five years in the making.
To work with the calibre of soloists on this disc has been a huge privilege and I want to thank them, Andy, Dave our fantastic engineer, and of course the band for all their magnificent work during those sessions back in October. On behalf of MWS, our thanks must go to everyone who mad this journey possible; all the donors, committees, venues – we are indebted to you.
I would also like to pay special tribute to our President Dan Daley who has been supportive beyond measure during my tenure with the band. If anyone encapsulates the spirit of MWS it is him. We will never be able to repay his endless generosity,
Finally, thank you to you for making this journey with us. Putting something new into the world is what making music is all about so I hope you enjoy it; every track has something different and we are all immensely proud of it. Thank you for listening.